SignIT: Electronic Signature Solution

Digital Signing Made Easy

The use of electronic signatures in the UK grew by five times in 2020, as the pandemic hit and new online technology became more accessible to both consumers and businesses.

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Did you know that SignIT transactions are returned within 12 hours in 67% of cases?

SignIT is one of those newly accessible solutions that allows quick online signing for your clients from anywhere in the world. By leveraging digital solutions like electronic client onboarding, legal firms and conveyancers can expedite transaction times and eliminate the time-consuming process of printing, scanning, and posting documents. SignIT, which utilises DocuSign’s e-signature functionality, provides a digital audit trail to ensure thorough tracking information.

Reduce your agreement completion times from days to hours with SignIT. Did you know that SignIT transactions are returned within 12 hours in 67% of cases? This is significantly faster than the time it would take for forms to even arrive in the post.

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SignIT is an intuitive tool that is easy to use. Simply upload any document or contract into Search Acumen and use the user-friendly drag and drop functionality to indicate where you require initials, dates, or signatures. Once you have completed this step, you can send the document to your client to review and arrange for online signing. The document is sent via a secure email link, which allows recipients to review and sign the document at their convenience from anywhere. You can add as many eSignatures as required, including those of purchasers, vendors, witnesses, and more.

In July 2020, HM Land Registry began accepting witnessed electronic signatures. Just two days after this announcement, a property law firm, submitted the first property deeds to be signed electronically using SignIT eSignature solution, which was backed by DocuSign technology. This ground-breaking event marked a significant milestone in the shift toward digital transformation for conveyancing.

By utilising SignIT for deeds workflow, technology takes on the bulk of the work, granting you peace of mind that every deed signed digitally and submitted to HMLR is compliant. We maintain a thorough understanding of Land Registry requirements, enabling you to effortlessly arrange for digital signatures from any location. These include

  • 6-digit OTP sent via SMS
  • Provides conveyancer certification
  • Includes witness statement and signature
  • Time and date of the signatures
  • The IP address of the devices used to electronically sign

Key Benefits


Results are returned within hours (sometimes even minutes), rather than days.


It has a digital audit rail to ensure robust tracking information.

HMLR Compliant

SignIT is the first HMLR-compliant to submit electronically signed deeds.

Residential Conveyancing

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