Developing Solutions for Lawyers, With Lawyers

Beta Trial: Real Estate Intelligence (REI)

Exciting things are happening! The REI Beta Trial is officially underway, with early access participants actively utilising the tools and conducting trials first-hand.

But our dedication doesn’t end there. Behind the scenes, we’re tirelessly working on refinements, advancing development, and making significant strides in REI as the trial progresses. Check out the timeline below to stay informed about our activities in the upcoming months.

If you’re part of the trial, we’ve set up a page with helpful hints and tips to guide you. If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time! Just fill out the form below, and our team will get in touch to get you started.

What's been happening

Here's a snapshot of our current progress:

(If you would like to know more about any of the below please do drop us a message)

100 LA’s with data reliability confidence

An additional 150 LA’s where data reliability is nearly assured

A continued focused approach on improving the model for better accuracies

What to expect in the initial phase of the BETA Trial for REI:

  • On-screen viewing of LLC1 & Con29 data extracts alongside PDF results 
  • Data extract summary with highlighted questions and sections requiring attention, with direct links to the corresponding points in the data extract and PDF 
  • Personalised flagging of extract parts with customisable colours and notes 
  • Q & A Tool for specific questions on search result areas 
  • Ability to update final predictions and provide feedback on extracted information, updating the extract summary accordingly 
  • PDF search feature for specific sections/questions or a link option from the data extract 
  • Option to receive the data extract as a JSON file 

Throughout the trial, additional development will occur behind the scenes, with periodic releases introducing features such as functionality assignment, a comparison tool, industry-standard queries Q&A tool, and more. 

Join The REI Beta Trial Today

Join the REI Beta Trial today by completing the sign-up form below. By doing so, you’ll gain exclusive access to our cutting-edge REI applications before they officially launch. This is your opportunity to experience our innovative products first-hand and provide invaluable feedback. Your suggestions and comments will play a vital role in shaping the future of REI, helping us create a better experience for all our users. Don’t miss out on this chance to be a part of the REI Beta Trial and influence the evolution of legal technology.


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