Over 30 years of history went into the making of Search Acumen



Entrepreneur Mark Riddick started his career as a searcher and carried out his very first Personal (Regulated) Search.


Using his knowledge and experience, Mark created and founded the first independent Personal Search business – Property Search Agency (PSA).


Mark Riddick had a lightbulb moment with a Senior PA at a major real estate law firm, and with the help of Andy Sommerville and Dave Penney, he established the first online Search ordering and delivery platform.


In 2001, Andrew Lloyd joins the company as Head of Operations. It was at this time that the National Land Information Service was created.


The merging of Property Search Agency and SearchFlow takes place


A year later the Founders of Property Search Agency (PSA) and SearchFlow sell to Rocket Scientists McDonald Detwiler Associates (MDA)


After mastering their craft over the past three decades, Mark Riddick, Andrew Lloyd and Andy Sommerville create Search Acumen and the first client order was placed in October 2013.


Eight years after the business was created, Search Acumen is acquired by ATI Global.


This year marks the 10 year anniversary of Search Acumen – what a journey it has been.

That journey continues, through innovation, building products and services relevant to the Commercial Real Estate lawyers now and in the future…

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